SAbine Alves
Sabine Alves (TRex)

Sabine Alves (TRex)

Wide-ranging technical expertise in biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, animal experimentation, histology-immunohistochemistry, mainly on rodent and avian models.

SAbine Alves

With a BTS in Biotechnology, I was recruited as a technical assistant in the INSERM Molecular Mechanisms in Neurodegenerative Dementia unit, then in 2010 as an INRAE laboratory technician in the Reproductive and Behavioural Physiology unit.
My career path has allowed me to work on different topics and to acquire a varied technical expertise in the fields of biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, animal experimentation, histology-immunohistochemistry on rodent and avian models mainly. Today, I continue to deepen my skills according to the needs and in particular in molecular biology

Modification date: 31 January 2024 | Publication date: 07 November 2023 | By: VR