Didier Lomet (AI)

Didier Lomet (AI)

Specialized in cell culture and animal experimentation, I collaborate on the creation of kisspeptin analogues in applied research for the control of ovulation in domestic animals, as well as in fundamental research on the study of the kisspeptin receptor.


After obtaining a DUT (Applied Biology and Biochemical Analysis) and a Master's degree in Biochemistry in 1997, I joined INRA Nouzilly in 2000 as a contractor on private sector projects. In February 2002, I became tenured and joined the team of Neurobiology and Control of Seasonal Functions and work for IR Alain Caraty. Today I practice my activity in the NMR team with Dr. Hugues Dardente on the genetic mechanisms involved in the seasonal physiology of ovine reproduction. Specialized in animal testing, RIA, ELISA (...), for some years I have expanded my field of expertise by molecular biology techniques, cell culture

Modification date: 31 January 2024 | Publication date: 06 November 2023 | By: VR