Laurence Dufourny
Laurence Dufourny (CRHC HDR)

Laurence Dufourny (CRHC HDR)

Work on rodents in the context of approaches involving the implementation of controlled metabolic regimes and the deployment of neurosurgical approaches.

Laurence Dufourny

Having studied from the start of my career on the central control of ovulation and neuronal networks driving sexual behavior, I am deeply interested in the influence of endogenous hormones (steroids, melatonin and metabolic hormones) and neuromodulators on neuronal populations driving ovulation and more specifically, kisspeptin and GnRH neurons. My goal is to unravel the different regulatory pathways and the different components involved in the stimulation/inhibition of kisspeptin release and hence GnRH secretion.  I am working on the ovine species as it is a well-known model for a specific aspect of reproduction, seasonal reproduction, consisting of 6 months with ovarian activity followed by 6 months of sexual rest. I am also using rodents namely for experiments involving specific metabolic regimen and/or consecutive neurosurgical approaches.

See also

Scholar Laurence 

Researchgate Laurence

The others

Modification date: 31 January 2024 | Publication date: 06 November 2023 | By: VR