Hugues Dardente

Hugues Dardente (DR2 - HDR) Animateur d'équipe

Study of the role of melatonin and thyroid hormones in controlling seasonality in small ruminants.


  I’m a specialist of biological rhythms, with expertise in neuroendocrinology, molecular biology and cell biology. After being awarded a PhD in Neuroscience form Strasbourg University (France, 2003), I did two post-doctoral trainings in Montreal (Canada 2003-2006) and Aberdeen (Scotland 2006-2011), working on the molecular underpinnings of circadian rhythms (i.e. clock genes) and the role of melatonin and the pars tuberalis of the pituitary in seasonal rhythms, respectively. I currently hold a permanent research position at INRA (France) where I keep on working on the molecular and neuroendocrine basis of seasonal and circannual rhythms in sheep.

Modification date: 31 January 2024 | Publication date: 06 November 2023 | By: VR